KUALA LUMPUR: Ten pre-War buildings in the country have been declared national heritage by the Government.

The buildings are the century-old Victoria Institution, Universiti Malaya and Masjid Jamek here; the Perak Museum and University Pendidikan Sultan Idris in Perak; the Sri Poyyta Vinagar Moorthi Temple, Kampung Keling Mosque, The Stadthuys and Church of Christ in Malacca; and the Sri Menanti Palace in Negri Sembilan.

The declaration was made by Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal at his alma mater, Victoria Institution, yesterday.

“The declaration is to create awareness in society on the importance of preserving the national heritage to be appreciated by the next generation,” said Shafie in his speech at the ceremony.

The 10 buildings are among 172 items listed as national heritage, including collections from the National Archive, archaeological artefacts, traditional delicacies and art.

The National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645) allows for sites, objects and prominent leaders to be declared national heritages.

In 2007, the first such declaration was done in Parliament, when 50 buildings were declared national heritage.

Source: http://thestar.com.my
Date: 15/02/09


Anonymous said…
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