List of Museums Fire in World (1958 -2003)


Museum name

Cause of fire

Fire prevention equipment

Estimated loss


Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

Origin was workmen repainting second floor galleries who were smoking on the job.

Detectors but no sprinklers.

USD 700,000

(Loss of one life, 33 injuries, several galleries, two major paintings, including a Monet, seven paintings severely damaged.)


Henry Ford Museum, Michigan, USA

Origin suspected to be an overheated hair curling iron in a dressing room.

Detectors but no sprinklers on part of the building.

USD 2 million

(Loss of several historic displays of shops and equipment.)


Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History, Washington D.C. USA

Origin was electrical short in the exhibit.

Detectors but no sprinklers.

USD 1 million

(Loss of two galleries and their exhibits, with some water damage.)


San Diego Aerospace Museum and International Aerospace Hall of Fame, California, USA

Arson. Arsonists were two youths seen running away.

No detectors, no sprinklers

USD 16 million

(Loss of the building and entire collection, including 40 planes and library.)


Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janerio, Brasil

Suspected origin from smoking or defective wiring.

No detectors, no sprinklers

USD 50 million

(Loss of most of the interior, the roof, and 900 works of art (90% of the collection).


Byer Museum of Art, Illinois, USA

Suspected electrical origin.

Detectors but no sprinklers.

USD 3 million

(Loss of the upper two floors and roof, with extensive water damage.)


Huntington Gallery, California, USA

Suspected origin was an electrical on the elevator at night, which burst explosively into the first floor.

Smoke detectors in the museum but not in the elevator or elevator shaft. No sprinklers.

USD 1.5 million

(Loss of elevator and elevator shaft, one minor painting, and extensive smoke damage.)


TheCabildo Building, Louisiana Museum of Art, New Orleans, USA

Origin was workmen welding gutters on the exterior igniting an interior hollow space.

Detectors in the museum, but no detectors in the hollow space, no sprinklers.

USD 5 million

(Loss of furniture collections in the attic, roof, structural and water damage.)


National Museum Malaysia,

Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Suspected origin from portable water heater or smoking

USD 30,000

(Loss of some AV equipments and documentary collections)


Windsor Castle, London, ENGLAND

Suspected origin was blow torch.

No detectors or sprinklers.

USD 90 million

(Loss of a tower, several rooms, tapestries, and minor paintings)


TheYuma Arizona Art Center, Arizona, USA

Suspected origin was electrical.

Smoke detectors no sprinklers.

USD 1.5 million

(Loss of historic building and 39 fine art pieces with some smoke and water damage.)


Oakland Museum, California, USA

Origin was defective exhibit motor in storage room.

Detectors but no sprinklers.

USD 1 million

(Loss of gallery and some exhibits on loan.)


Oshkosh Public Museum, Wisconsin, USA

Origin was workmen welding gutters on the exterior igniting an interior hollow space.

Detectors in the museum, but no detectors in the hollow space, no sprinklers.

USD 2 million

(Loss of 10% of the collection and collection records.)


Sultan Abu Bakar Royal Museum, Johor, MALAYSIA

Arson (Molotov cocktail)



Sultan Abu Bakar Royal Museum, Johor, MALAYSIA




People’s Museum, Melaka, MALAYSIA

Electrical short-circuit


(Exhibition Hall is totally damaged. Several copies of Dutch manuscripts, old paintings and artifacts were destroyed in the 9.15pm fire)


Pak Ali House,


Electrical short-circuit

No detectors or sprinklers.

> USD 500,000

(Building badly damaged and not reopened)

List of Museums Fire in World from 1958 – 2003.

(Modified from

Last up-dated: 07/06/08


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